Congo · Congostyle

Congostyle phone activation

I tried two different providers in the 2 months I’ve been here, and they both sucked for different reasons. One had was so new and unpopular I could never get credit recharges from street vendors, and the other one was too expensive, so I ended up going with the same provider that everyone in my… Continue reading Congostyle phone activation

Congostyle · Funny


I don’t know why this picture makes me laugh. Tommy always has one eye open when Nic’s around (smart dog). Mom was probably not excited at all about the puppy being in the fridge, but Nic is too funny. I love how the dog is just chillin’ (hehe) rolling with it. Taking a nap.

Congostyle · Funny

Couch throwing

My neighbor moved out this past weekend and decided to throw the couch over the balcony since it was going into the trash anyway. That was so congostyle and random that I asked them to wait so I could film it: