Israel · Memorable words · Redonkulous · Travel

the solar-powered raquet and violent parents

I was detained for my final adieu to Israel, the Holy Land and my home for two and a half years. The place of my service…I was detained for three hours and all my luggage search through by twenty. I repeat. twenty. Israeli security officials. It was so humiliating and I hadn’t eaten all day… Continue reading the solar-powered raquet and violent parents

Congostyle · Israel · Redonkulous

Pedro Almodovar Israeli Slideshow

Tsunami Paradise The cover of the International Herald Tribune showed an idyllic beach in Thailand with the title “114,000 dead” and I thought “how insensitive to show heavenly beach when somany people have just died.” In fact, looking closely, it’s a shot of people running, completely panicked, away from the 10-meter waves that are crashing… Continue reading Pedro Almodovar Israeli Slideshow

Israel · Movies

on being a woman, sometimes

I was planning on writing about “different kinds of cinema” since I just walked out of this incredible Zhang Yimou movie called “House of the Flying Daggers” with some of the most high quality cinematography (although a lot of it was –I’m assuming purposely–over-exposed), most beautiful actors and actresses, drop-dead gorgeous costumes, incredible fighting scenes… Continue reading on being a woman, sometimes

Congostyle · Israel · Travel

The “traveling circus” weekend road-trip (WARNING: LONG ENTRY)

Hundreds of people in the United States are at this moment being admitted to emergency rooms across the nation for eating potato-salad and cole-slaw gone bad for staying out in the sun during tail-gate parties of the Fourth of July. But none of them went on a “traveling circus” road-trip beforehand, the memories of which… Continue reading The “traveling circus” weekend road-trip (WARNING: LONG ENTRY)